In 2022 I worked with Dirty Puppet on a project for Museums Victoria. ‘TYAMA’ – an immersive experience that invites visitors into a multi-sensory world of storytelling.
Our role was to create a 360 immersive cinematic experience as both a climax to the immersive exhibition experience and a call back to the interactive journey the audience has been on. Displayed on two 26 meter by 8 meter displays, we brought to life the stories shared by our First Nations collaborators Yoolongteeyt Dr Vicki Couzens and Yaaran Couzens Bundle. We ensured that our ‘oldest storytellers – Woolok (Blue whale) and Koontapool (Southern Wright) – were represented with realistic proportions and behaviours by working with museum species experts. Meanwhile, gestural, painterly abstraction was used to ignite imaginations and invite visitors to see the world differently.
I worked on various aspects of this project, including look dev, procedural asset building, modelling, rigging and layout. In addition to lighting and rendering, I created and textured our whale assets, created effector driven procedural swimming setups and rigs for the whales, as well as building several other procedural setups from an iceberg generator with procedural movement and accompanying water ripples, to fish and animal flocking systems, procedural painterly textures, procedural ocean surface, and an underwater volumetric lighting rig.
I worked on various aspects of this project, including look dev, procedural asset building, modelling, rigging and layout. In addition to lighting and rendering, I created and textured our whale assets, created effector driven procedural swimming setups and rigs for the whales, as well as building several other procedural setups from an iceberg generator with procedural movement and accompanying water ripples, to fish and animal flocking systems, procedural painterly textures, procedural ocean surface, and an underwater volumetric lighting rig.

C l i e n t Melbourne Museum
P r o d u c t i o n C o m p a n y S1T2
A n i m a t i o n D i r e c t o r Cameron Gough
C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Christopher Panzetta
P r o d u c e r Natalie Robinson
A r t D i r e c t i o n Kate Moon
3 D P r o j e c t L e a d Chris Angelius
A n i m a t i o n & C o m p o s i t i n g Cameron Gough
C e l A n i m a t i o n L e a d Taryn Borgford
A d d i t i o n a l C e l A n i m a t i o n Jon Asquith
A d d i t i o n a l P a r t i c l e s e t u p s Eugene Doig
S t o r y b o a r d s Sacha Bryning
O r i g i n a l S c o r e & s o u n d d e s i g n Klang