In August 2018, the school strike for climate movement began with a single activist, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg
A year later the movement has grown rapidly with branches all over the world.
Led by directors Simon Robson and Alex Grigg an all-star team of animators, producers and sound designers got together and gave their time for free to create this film in just over a month. The film was then donated to School Strike 4 Climate to raise awareness and encourage strikers to march during the upcoming 20th of September Global Strike.
C r e d i t s
C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Simon Robson (@northboysouth)
P r o d u c e r Diana Angelius (@lawlimsmall)
w r i t e r simon robson
D i r e c t o r Alex Grigg (@alexxgrigg)
D e s i g n Alex Grigg
T y p o g r a p h y Renaud Futterer (@renaudlondon)
A n i m a t i o n Alex Grigg, Michael Shiao Chen (@chemicalhen), Catriona Drummond (@goodsniff_), Julien Becquer (@animmetis), Andrew Onorato (@andrewonorato), Ben Ommundson (@saint.of.eyes)
C o m p o s i t e Chris Angelius (@sometimesdaily)
M u s i c & S o u n d D e s i g n Rumble Studios (@rumblestudios)
t h a n k s t o Mighty Nice (@mightynicesydney)
C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Simon Robson (@northboysouth)
P r o d u c e r Diana Angelius (@lawlimsmall)
w r i t e r simon robson
D i r e c t o r Alex Grigg (@alexxgrigg)
D e s i g n Alex Grigg
T y p o g r a p h y Renaud Futterer (@renaudlondon)
A n i m a t i o n Alex Grigg, Michael Shiao Chen (@chemicalhen), Catriona Drummond (@goodsniff_), Julien Becquer (@animmetis), Andrew Onorato (@andrewonorato), Ben Ommundson (@saint.of.eyes)
C o m p o s i t e Chris Angelius (@sometimesdaily)
M u s i c & S o u n d D e s i g n Rumble Studios (@rumblestudios)
t h a n k s t o Mighty Nice (@mightynicesydney)